Antibiotics harm both beneficial and pathogenic intestinal microorganisms. It took six months for gut health to recover from the damage caused by antibiotics. What is gut health? The mouth-to-anus tube is where the majority of germs and good bacteria thrive. Bad bacteria, or pathogens, love to reside in the small intestine; hence, we must ensure that probiotics (good bacteria) are still alive while taking antibiotics. If you are taking antibiotics for whatever reason, keep in mind, start taking probiotics BEFORE and AFTER you take antibiotics. Look for a vegan probiotic without soy, corn, GMOs, and fillers. If you took antibiotics a while ago but still do not feel "normal," I would propose that you detoxify your colon, kidneys, and liver, followed by a parasite cleanse, to eliminate the toxic chemicals that thrive in your gut health and organs. If you need more time to learn and converse with me, I do offer consulting services. Click here for more details. If you have any brief questions, feel free to write to me at; otherwise, I wish you the best of luck on your healing journey. - Rochella