5 Roots of Wellness

Any health concerns that develop in the body, in my opinion, are a communication from your body needing help. Pay attention to your body's concerns before things get worse. To take care of your body, follow these five wellness roots:
1. Food/Nutrition
2. Pure Water
3. Fitness
4. Detoxification
5. Harmony
Whole food (organic, local, non-GMO) is an integral ingredient of our overall health and well-being. Foods have the power to make you healthy or sick. I want to teach you how to identify which foods are natural and which aren't. That's why I created Blue Organic Recipes for everyone, whether you're a meat-eater, a vegan, a vegetarian, or something else.
Pure Water
Water is necessary for life...there is no life without it! All of the body's processes rely on water. Water aids in the transport of oxygen in the circulation and the removal of toxins from the body.
Water, water, and more water! Keep in mind that not all water is safe! Do not consume tap water or even plastic bottled water; instead, go for filtered pure water. For drinking water, select a high-quality filtration system. If you have any questions, please contact me.
Not to be slim, but to be strong. It's not about becoming better than others; it's about being better than you were before. Fitness is an essential component of a healthy lifestyle. We can't expect to be healthy if we don't exercise. The majority of our bodily tasks, such as walking, standing, reaching for something in the kitchen cupboard, and even laughing, necessitate the use of a muscle! To learn more, CLICK HERE.
I believe that everyone, regardless of whether they consume only healthy meals or eat everything, should detoxify their bodies. Toxins enter our bodies through the air (pollution), water (plastic bottles), chemicals in our food, and our skin absorbs a large number of dangerous substances. I recommend reading "Seven Reasons You Should Detox Every Year," an article I published.
"Health is not treasured until sickness comes," as the saying goes. Thomas Fuller's work The majority of people wait until they are sick to begin eating healthier. Instead, why not try this method: eat healthy food and detoxify your body NOW to avoid illness?
Anyone who wants to detox their body to get rid of symptoms and toxins can enroll in my Detox Program. Watch the old, but informative videos, “Jumpstart To Detox Your Body” and “Listen to Your Body’s Signs”
Did you realize that your body responds to your thoughts? Whatever we think, our bodies' cells will become either happy or miserable. Our health will not improve if we are always angry or envious of minor issues. One of the many sources of human happiness is harmony. We are a single entity. Our thoughts and bodies are not distinct entities; they are intertwined. It is critical for our emotional and mental health to remain in a state of balance. This holds true for food as well. If a person consumes the healthiest foods and exercises regularly, but is always bitter and never forgives, he or she will never be able to heal fully. Mental wellness is just as important, if not more so than consuming good foods.
We must examine how healthy our minds, emotions, and feelings are toward specific events, people, or things by looking within ourselves. People, nature, and even chocolate aren't enough to make us happy. This joy is found within us. To learn more about gratitude, meditation, and forgiveness, watch these videos.
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