Terms of service.

This Agreement describes the terms and conditions applicable to your use and/or purchase of our goods and/or services available under the domains of www.BlueOrganicKitchen.com. If you do not agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Agreement, do not use or access our website, goods and/or services.

Code of Ethics


  • Available to help,

  • support and guidance

  • Return emails within 24-48 hours

  • Charge a fair price

  • Customize programs to meet the client’s needs

  • Blue Organic Kitchen is using the products that sells on the website.

  • Blue Organic Kitchen commits to respecting all clients’ age, gender, race, national origin, sexual orientation, religion, social and economic status, body type, political affiliation, state of health, and personal habits.

  • Honor the client’s process by being present, listening, asking only related questions, keeping my agreements, being on time, and maintaining professionalism.

  • The employees of Blue Organic Kitchen will be doing only those services for which they are qualified and capable, and they will refer to appropriate specialists when work is not within Blue Organic Kitchen’s scope of practice or not in the client’s best interest.

  • Blue Organic Kitchen do not make medical diagnoses nor prescribe medications without appropriate training and license; neither do suggest that client change prescribed treatment or interfere with the treatment of a licensed health care provider.

  • Blue Organic Kitchen values the healing relationship with people, animals, plants, and the local, global, and cosmic environment.

  • Privacy and confidentiality are maintained at all the times. Everything is kept in confidential between the practitioner and the client.

  • Blue Organic Kitchen is committed to staying current with information and techniques by reading, receiving regular sessions, and taking at least one workshop every year related to holistic health and wellness topics.

Standard business hours

Blue Organic Kitchen opens Monday thru Friday 9AM to 3PM for any VP sessions. Saturday and Sunday are closed.

If you can’t make it to those hours, you can contact Blue Organic Kitchen to set an appointment.


Clients may return or refund any unused products within 10 days of purchase.

Inappropriate client behavior

Blue Organic Kitchen has no tolerance for negative attitudes, insults, or other disrespectful expressions in the sessions. For any inappropriate behavior, Blue Organic Kitchen has the right to stop the session at any time.


The customer agrees to compensate Blue Organic Kitchen for any goods or services ordered through this website at the original purchase price.

Blue Organic Kitchen expected a payment before one-on-one sessions started.

Blue Organic Kitchen Programs will be either free or with a small fee—limited programs.


The goal is to have honest and open communication between practitioner and client.


Everything shared will be kept confidential. Blue Organic Kitchen will not share your personal information with anyone. The goal here is to create a safe place for clients to feel comfortable.

Ambiance children, food and beverage

Having children around to eat or drink during videophone sessions should be okay as long as they are not blocking the vision on the screen.

Cancellation, no-show-up, and lateness

You may cancel or postpone your scheduled appointment with me within 24 hours of notice.

Privacy Information:

Personal information, i.e., credit card numbers, name, address, and everything else, is kept confidential. Blue Organic Kitchen promises not to share your private information with anyone. The goal is to create a safe place for clients. Clients are our priority after everything.

Health Disclaimer

It is your right to educate yourself in health and medical knowledge, to seek helpful information, and to make use of it for your own benefit and that of your family. You are the one responsible for your health. In order to make decisions in all health matters, you must educate yourself. The views and nutritional advice expressed by Blue Organic Kitchen are not intended to be a substitute for conventional medical services. If you have a severe medical condition, see your physician of choice. We do not claim to "cure" disease, but simply help you make physical and mental changes in your own body in order to help your body heal itself.

The information presented on www.BlueOrganicKitchen.com is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Medical Disclaimer

All material on this website is provided for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your healthcare professional or physician.


Blue Organic Kitchen has the educational background to practice a holistic approach and is highly experienced with different types of holistic products and detoxification procedures. Blue Organic Kitchen is certified in holistic nutrition consulting by an accredited college, the American College of Healthcare Sciences.

Blue Organic Kitchen, LLC, is officially recognized by the Secretary of State of Minnesota.

In Minnesota, unlicensed holistic practitioners are allowed to provide products and/or services to clients with a required, signed “Client’s Bill of Rights”.

Client’s Bill of Rights