Each and every of us is meant to be different, bold, and unique in our own ways.
What we think, therefore, we become.
You are a beautiful, special, and amazing person!
Each and every of us is meant to be different, bold, and unique in our own ways. We are born to be ourselves. This is also true for our health. Nobody is born with the exact same DNA, so we cannot compare ourselves to others. You are perfect just the way you are. If you want to eat healthier, go ahead because you will feel great! If you want to lose weight for yourself, go ahead — but do it for your own sake, not someone else’s sake! You have the power to make decisions about your wellness. If you want to resolve something that has been bothering you, do it. If you want to change the way you think, start today! You have the power to restore balance and harmony.
How is heavy is your stress?
7 Ways to Better Listen to Your Intuition
!0 Steps to Self-Care
Benefits of Meditation
Benefits of mediation
Reduces pain and enhances the body's immune system
Reduces feelings of depression, anxiety, anger and confusion
Increases blood flow and slows the heart rate
Provides a sense of calm, peace and balance
Helps reverse heart disease
Helps control thoughts
Increases energy
Reduces stress
Helps connect to who you truly are
Forgive Yourself Everyday
Forgiveness is part of the healing process. You cannot become healthier if you never forgive. Forgive is most powerful tool in order to feel truly at peace. No one is gets better by choosing to not forgive themselves or others. Forgive others, not for their sake, but for your health and peace of mind. Every situation is different. Some people are estranged based on misunderstandings, miscommunication, or disagreements. Often both sides feet bad, horrible, or regretful after an incident, but pride is usually what stops them from reaching out or forgiving each other. There is no wrong or right answer to forgiving. Just do what you feel is right for you. Keep in mind that a lot of the pain that we deal with, either in the past, present or future, are really only thoughts in our heads.
Harmony rules of forgiveness
Forgive yourself first
Forgive when you are ready
Respect other people's processes; some forgive quickly, and others take longer
Forgive when you mean it
Forgive out of kindness, not to gloat
Forgive repeatedly if necessary