Oxy-Powder will help unclog your colon!


Oxy-Powder is a Colon Cleanser

Here are 9 sings that you have healthy colon

Why Oxy-Powder is the Best?


Ingredients: Magnesium (from ozonated magnesium oxides), Natural Citric Acid. Other Ingredients: vegetable capsule (cellulose), organic gum acacia.

Direction: How to take Oxy-Powder.

“Why am I constipated? Why am I struggle to poop?” Q&A with Rochella


The health begins in the colon.

Our health depends on how healthy our intestines are; our immune system is largely contained in the intestines. In our gastrointestinal tract (GI), there are trillion of microorganisms and bacteria (good or bad).

At left, see the an image of a healthy colon and a toxic colon.

Our colons should be...85% good bacteria (probiotics) and 15% bad bacteria (pathogenic).

Today's people with typical diet have a colon in the United States is the opposite.

15% good bacteria and 85% bad bacteria.

This is usually caused by a diet filled with processed, GMOs and sugary foods, which can lead to a toxic colon.

Oxy-Powder Can Help Restore Health of Your Colon!

By cleansing your colon of bad bacteria, Oxy-Powder is also great for people suffering from digestion disorders. Oxy-Powder can help with...

  • Bloating or gas

  • Constipation

  • Weight problems

  • Mood swings

  • Lack of energy

  • Backaches

  • Weak immune system

  • Poor appetite

  • Foul breath

  • Diarrhea

  • Headaches

What People Are Saying


"I grew up with colon problems. I always felt like it would be my life time struggle because I have tried everything from medicine to diet changes to over the counter stuff to help my colon system to work regularly. Nothing worked up until I was introduced to Oxy-Powder. It works wonders! Oxy-Powder has not only changed how I feel, but also makes me more confident in my well being. I would highly, I emphasize, HIGHLY recommend Oxy-Powder for anyone. I believe Oxy-Powder will be something I will continue ordering for the rest of my life!"

— Renca, IA

"For my colon cleanse, it was an amazing experience. I learned a lot about it such as how to manage not eat any dairy, meat and sugar for 7 days! I felt so GREAT!! I really appreciated it so I'm in control to eat healthy!"

— LeeAnn, CA