Organic Stress Management Info. and Tools

The first step to reducing stress is to gain awareness of what causes us to become stressed?

Find the root cause and we can then find solutions.

As you can see why do people become stressed in the stats and images above. The source is here.

Studies show that your kid does catch your stress…

Parental stress when children are young has been found to change children’s DNA by the time they become teens. The number of parent stressors has been directly linked to childhood obesity.

  • 48% of people in the U.S. report having sleep issues caused by the stress

  • Of the people who suffered a major stressful event, 43% report that the event was health-related

  • Negative feelings about one’s appearance caused a great deal of stress for 28% of survey respondents.

  • Women are more stressed when it comes to hate crimes, wars, and conflicts with other nations.

  • 39% of teenagers overeat or eat too little because of stress, student stress statistics show.

People who are stressed cite physically experience the following:

  • Fatigue - 51%

  • Headache 44%

  • Muscle tension 30%

  • Change in appetite 23%

  • Teeth grinding 17%

  • Change in sex drive 15%

  • Feeling dizzy 13%

We must find a way to manage the stress in our lives to improve our health and happiness.

10 Advices to Reduce Your Stress

  1. If it feels wrong, don’t do it

  2. Say exactly what you mean.

  3. Don’t be a people pleaser

  4. Trust your instincts

  5. Never speak badly about yourself

  6. Don’t be afraid to say “No”

  7. Don’t be afraid to say “Yes”

  8. Stay away from drama and negativity

  9. Let go of what you can’t control

  10. Always choose LOVE over HATE

In Control and Out Control List

The best way for us to reduce our stress is to write down what stresses us? We can split our stress into two categories.

Out Control:

The weather, politics, news, gossip, worrying, people’s opinions, our friends and relatives talk shit about us are OUT of our control. We cannot control those things. What should we do about it? Let it go. They are not YOUR problem.

In Control:

List stress that we CAN fix or improve. What did we think and talk about, it affects our mind! What kind of food and drink do we feed into our bodies? How we react to any situation, how we handle our kids’ misbehavior is what we CAN improve and change how we approach our stressors.

BE Yourself

VALUE Yourself

ACCEPT Yourself

LOVE Yourself

EXPRESS Yourself

TRUST Yourself

EMPOWER Yourself

FORGIVE Yourself